Before eating packaged food, know the difference between expiry date and best before date

Before eating packaged food, know the difference between expiry date and best before date

When you bring any packaged item from the market like medicines, biscuits, milk, curd or beauty products, some have their expiry date written on them, while some have best before written on them. But do you know what is the difference between these two things?

Actually, most people know about expiry date. But not everyone knows about best before and use by date. Most people think that both these things also mean expiry date. Whereas, it is not so. Each thing has a different meaning.

First understand the expiry date

Expiry date means the date of a product after which it is not usable. That is, if 20 June expiry date is written on any food item, then you cannot use this item after 20 June. If you use anything after the expiry date, then it can harm your health. Especially do not use medicines after the expiry date. By doing this, you may have to face trouble. The same rule applies to dairy products as well.

Best Before and Use By

Best Before and Use By are written on the packets of most food items. Best Before is a quality indicator of a thing. That is, if you eat something after the Best Before date, then you will not get the taste and nutrients in it which you would get before the Best Before date. On the other hand, Use By date is written on those things which get spoiled in a few days. For example, you get to see Use By date on the packets of milk, curd or bread. That is, if a product is made today and it can be used only for the next 4 days, then Use By is used in it. So, if you find this written on any packet after today, then do not get confused.

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